Hi Everyone,
I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day! I spent the day cooking up a storm and I took a a quick speed walk for some energy and calorie burning. For you frequent readers you know I like to freeze just about everything! When it’s just my Husband and I, we can’t always eat everything, well unless it’s meat and potatoes, than there is never any leftovers because my Husband eats it all! So with that said I have a wonderful opportunity from Glad to try out there new Glad FreezerWare containers. I asked Hubby, what should I make to freeze and the first words out of his mouth was meatballs!
Meatballs? He’s like yah! I haven’t had those in a long time! It’s been years since I made homemade ones. Since my Husband has been so good to me, I thought I shall grant his wish and make him my famous Jennifer Meatballs! I didn’t tell you this, but this morning I was going to go take my shower and my Husband was in the bathroom cleaning the tub at 6:30 in the morning. Can you believe it? First he did the dishes the other day, put the sprinkler system in my garden yesterday and today he’s cleaning the tub. I think he maybe sick or something? This is very unusual behavior for him! Hmmmm, what does he want? Maybe he’s being extra good to me because I’m going to Europe in July and he’ll be without me for 8 days and he just wants me to remember all the wonderful things he does for me? Nah, that can’t be it? So with me going away, this opportunity to make freezer friendly foods from Glad came just in time!
So I decided to spend my Memorial Day making him Meatballs and cookies, not together though, that would be gross. Wouldn’t it? Maybe not? You tell me, would you eat cookies meatballs? So the first thing I did was mix all my ingredients together, time to get your hands dirty, I love this part!!
Roll your meatballs int 1.5 oz size, about the size of a golf ball and than roll into bread crumbs. I didn’t have any bread crumbs, so I took Hubby’s hot dog rolls, baked it till crispy and that put it in my mini food processor. Fa la, bread crumbs. Than I placed each meatball into a mini muffin cup.
Bake at 400 degree Fahrenheit for 20 – 25 minutes. Meanwhile, while they were cooking I decided to freeze up some more goodies, like fresh strawberries. These are perfect for my smoothies, strawberry quick jam and so much more. I bought so many at the Farmers Market that I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to eat them all.
I’m pretty happy with the 3 cup size Glad Freezerware containers. There sturdy and a perfect size to hold 2 pints of strawberries. Plus there a nice size to store in my freezer, without taking up to much space. I also made some cookies this morning for my Husband lunches this week. I always freeze his cookies and now that I have the Glad Freezerware this will make it so much easier for him to grab and go! Oh the recipe for the cookies will come later this June, so just be patient! But I’ll tell you there so good, you won’t be disappointed!
The meatballs are now done!!
How do they taste? I didn’t want to share or freeze a recipe without tasting it first, so I split just one meatball for myself and Hubby to try. Plus I want you to see the inside.
I took one to Hubby and he gave me a thumbs up and said there good! He wanted to eat the rest of them, and I told him no! I told him there for spaghetti or a meatball sub or on pizza. He had a sad look on his face. But hey, sometimes you just have to say no!! I took the meatballs and put them on a plate and placed them in the freezer to so they would freeze individually. I froze them for about an hour. Than I placed them in my Glad Freezerware 8 cup container. When you go to heat up the meatballs, all I do is throw them in some pasta sauce and let them warm up that way. There one of the most perfect foods to freeze. Now that I froze them individually I can always heat up just a few. I know my Husband would love them on that meatball sub with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese.
- 1 pound ground beef
- ¼ cup finely grated Parmesan Cheese
- 1 whole egg
- 2 tbsp, onion, finely diced
- 1 tsp. dried basil
- 1 tsp. dried parsley
- ½ tsp. garlic powder
- ½ tsp. kosher salt
- ¼ tsp. red pepper flakes
- ½ cup bread crumbs, divided (I used one hot dog bun, baked it until golden, than pulsed it in a food processor to make crumbs)
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
- In a large mixing bowl, combine ground beef, cheese, egg, basil, parsley, garlic powder, salt, red pepper flakes, and ¼ cup of the bread crumbs. Using your hands, mix all ingredients until well combined.
- In a shallow dish add remaining ¼ cup of the bread crumbs.
- Using a food scale, weigh meatball mixture to 1.5-ounce portions, about the size of a golf ball. Roll into a ball and than roll into the bread crumbs. Place each meatball into a mini muffin pan tin.
- Bake for 20 - 25 minutes or until golden and cooked through.
- Let them cool, Use immediately or freeze for future use.
I should tell you a little bit up the Glad Freezerware containers. It’s the only container made just for the freezer. It resists cracking, is specially formulated to withstand extreme temperatures, and lets you simply freeze, heat and serve! I don’t want to forget to mention there microwave safe! So from freezer to microwave, you can have breakfast, lunch or dinner served in a matter of minutes! After reading that I just had to roast up 3.5 cups of sweet potatoes, than after there cooked and cooled, add a 1.5 cups of black beans and 1 cup roasted corn and now I made my own Chipotle mix, which is perfect on tacos, with quinoa or as a side dish!
Well there you have it, my Big Batch Freezer Cooking Memorial Day! It feels great to have this done and out of the way! Now I know I have some meals prepared for a nice easy week! I guess you know I’ll be having tacos, and smoothies this week! Yum! I just hope my Husband doesn’t start sneaking meatballs for his lunch! I better get these in the freezer!
I was lucky enough to get sent 12 Glad Freezerware containers. I kept 6 for myself and I am giving away 6 containers to you!!
To enter the giveaway all you have to do is tell me what kind of foods do you like to freeze?
I also encourage you to share your very own freezer-friendly recipes and meal planning tips on Glad’s Facebook page! Between now and June 30th, everyone who shares a recipe is eligible to win great prizes. For more information go to www.facebook.com/Glad
6 Additional chances to win: Oh and be sure you tell me you did this.
- Sign up for email/subscribe to Peanut Butter and Peppers
- Follow me on Twitter
@JenatPBandP - Tweet my giveaway: Glad Freezerware Giveaway at Peanut Butter and Peppers http://wp.me/p2aEXh-1tf
- Like Peanut Butter and Peppers on Facebook
- Like Glad on Facebook
- Grab my button and place on your blog
As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program, “I received a case of Glad® Freezerware™ containers and a stipend“.
i like to freeze lasagna
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i like to freeze fruit when i have a ton of it that i know i won’t be able to use before it goes bad. i also am a sucker for reduced produce bananas. i snatch em up and peel and slice them and put them in individual baggies for easy smoothie add-ons. i was intrigued when i saw these glad for freezer at target the other day – i’ve lost quite a few meals & containers as they slid out of the overpacked freezer and smashed to the ground.
I think you meant to say giveway ends on June 31 not May
I freeze so many things! With summer coming up, I plan to freeze all of the fresh fruit that is so inexpensive when in season to get me through next winter!
i like to freeze greek yogurt with sliced banana
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i Like Glad on Facebook and post a recipe with meal plan~!
I love to freeze bread!
I follow you on Twitter! @Christianqt07
I like to freeze lasagna
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I like to freeze fresh summer strawberries!
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I freeze raw cookie dough so when I want a cookie I just have to put it in the oven for a quick treat 🙂
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I ‘liked’ Glad on Facebook and I signed up for your email/subscription! I like freezing fruit the best. I usually buy in huge quantities when they’re on sale–especially when that particular fruit season is coming to an end, and it lasts me quite some time. I also freeze meatballs as you have just mentioned and cookies when I find a good recipe. Also, I like freezing green grapes, snicker candy bars, and strawberries dipped in vanilla yogurt or melted chocolate, as well as oranges that are dipped in chocolate, and pretzels with chocolate drizzle over them. Plus, I love slicing up bananas, freezing them for two hours, melting down chocolate, and then dipping them in sprinkles or coconut or whatever I happen to have on hand–I love how the freezer then smells like bananas. Such a great smell!!
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I always freeze bread! I can’t go through a whole loaf cause I don’t eat it that often so freezing helps prolong the life of the bread (by a LOT)
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one of my favorite things to freeze is shredded meat of ANY kind. whether it’s leftovers from a potroast, a pork shoulder, or taco chicken, in the freezer it goes! I can pull it out for paninis, salads, enchiladas, or even to top baked potatoes. it’s such a versatile, great way to stretch an already-easy meal into something else fun and new! 🙂
oh, and I follow your blog via email, AND “like” you on Facebook 🙂
ooooo almost forgot – ROASTED GARLIC!!! I roast about a dozen heads at once, and scoop out all the delicious roasted cloves. each head gets its own little ziploc bag, so I just pull out one if I need it. potatoes, soups, sauces…you name it!
I pretty much live out of these containers. I’ll freeze anything but I plow through leftovers so fast they usually just stay in the fridge for a few days 🙂
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I like to freeze left over dinners so that we can eat them again later!
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I love the colors of your spices for your meatball, and I don’t even eat meat!!!! I will definitely be getting some of those containers and putting them to great use! I love freezing too! I regularly make meals and freeze them for lunch a later day, much cheaper and healthier than buying a frozen dinner meal. Thanks girl!
I love to freeze pasta sauce and soup for an easy dinner. I also love frozen bananas for my smoothies!
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I like to freeze homemade cookies and banana bread and also
chili and lasagna! I love these freezer containers!
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You’re so smart, Jenn to do all this freezing! I love your idea of baking the meatballs on the muffin pans, brilliant!
Oh, and where are you going in Europe? I’m heading to England and France at the beginning of June for 2 weeks, you’re not going to be in London, are you? 🙂
I like to freeze leftover turkey chili that I make in big batches. And fresh basil for the winter!
I have been a fan of yours for a long time!! I clicked Like on Glad too…
I LOVE to freeze a lot of things because like you it’s just me and my husband at home. Soups, chili, chulpa (my all time fav) and of course cookies/bars/brownies.
I like to freeze cooked veggies & broccoli!
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I like Gladware on Facebook – thanks for a great giveaway as I need new tupperware too!
Your meatballs look wonderful – I love meatballs!
I usually freeze cookies and muffins. I will freeze just about anything though 🙂
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I like freezing casserole/lasagna portions if I have some leftover, and also fruits to eat frozen. Yum!
Cooking meatballs in muffin tins is so smart! I freeze cookies all the time 🙂 I like to think it’s less dangerous…but we’ve started just eating them frozen. Yikes!
I like to freeze fresh fruit when in season!
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Email subscriber – thanks so much!
I freeze lots of blueberries and peaches when they’re in season. I also freeze soups, broths, meats, and homemade pesto.
I follow you on twitter @amylou61
I freeze a lot of fruits, veggies, peanuts, and even goat milk during this time of year. So nice to be able to pull it out of the freezer when we need it.
I always freeze bananas to have on hand for smoothies and to make the always popular “banana soft serve”. I also love to freeze pureed soups since it’s easy to make a double batch as well as veggie lasagna. Great giveaway!
I freeze chili, pot roast and lots of meals I make during the winter so I don’t have to spend so much time during the summer cooking. However, I find myself spending lots of time in the kitchen no matter how much I freeze. 🙂
PS: I liked all the pages. Thanks!
I cook large quantities as well! I like to freeze the leftovers!
I freeze so many things! I froze a whole banana the other day, it was so good! I like freezing smoothies in popsicle molds, they’re great for the summer.
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i could use these freezer containers hope i win some i could store my opened chips in them to keep them fresh i give my son 1/2 bag of those little bags of lay’s they by tomorrow they are stale just thought of that roll down the bag and store it to keep it fresh
cool contest or giveaway glad for the freezer
I love to freeze berries and bananas! I also freeze ground turkey, salmon and tilapia filets, and chicken breasts in individual servings to pull out for a quick steamed or broiled meal.
Hello Hana just got to my e-mails i sign up on may 31 2012 i hope i win i need storage containers my husband breaks or melts them all the time thank you 4 the mail and if you can keep me up 2 date on your giveaway’s-contest thanks Rebecca @ [email protected]
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