Love your site!! I do not know how I stumbled upon it but glad I did. Sad thing is I know how to loose weight, I lost 70 and had to move back to my hometown from the beach area and once here my motivation has gone bye-bye:( I read your story and too funny about stumbling upon Jillian Michael’s work out because I just recently bought the Insanity work out DVD and it is kicking my butt. I do thank you for just reminding me to eat! I tend to stay hungry so I have to eat small meals periodically through the day and make myself remember to eat those meals. I am type 2 diabetic and when I lost 70 lbs. my diabetes went undetected, however, now I’m back with it showing it’s ugly head again so I am again challenging myself to conquer it once again with food… I can and will. Can’t wait to try some of your recipes and was wondering do you ever incorporate such things as Quinoa, Adzuki Beans, Lentils, Mung Beans etc… I guess I tend to move into the so called “Hippie Foods” when I start getting back into shape. I’m going through all my recipes now to see which ones will be best for me and the weight loss. Thanks again for putting yourself out there and I will be trying your recipes as the days go by!
Keep up the good work:))) Mandy
Hi Mandy! Juts think you can do it! You need to find something that inspires you and will motivate you. I know it’s hard, I’m in the same place. I would love to just stay at home cook, and play on the computer, but exercise is good for me and I always feel better when I am done. I have been thinking of getting Insanity, but I’m afraid. Maybe I should just do it!! I heard great things about that workout! Now you remember to keep up the good work and you are worth it!!!
Love your site!! I do not know how I stumbled upon it but glad I did. Sad thing is I know how to loose weight, I lost 70 and had to move back to my hometown from the beach area and once here my motivation has gone bye-bye:( I read your story and too funny about stumbling upon Jillian Michael’s work out because I just recently bought the Insanity work out DVD and it is kicking my butt. I do thank you for just reminding me to eat! I tend to stay hungry so I have to eat small meals periodically through the day and make myself remember to eat those meals. I am type 2 diabetic and when I lost 70 lbs. my diabetes went undetected, however, now I’m back with it showing it’s ugly head again so I am again challenging myself to conquer it once again with food… I can and will. Can’t wait to try some of your recipes and was wondering do you ever incorporate such things as Quinoa, Adzuki Beans, Lentils, Mung Beans etc… I guess I tend to move into the so called “Hippie Foods” when I start getting back into shape. I’m going through all my recipes now to see which ones will be best for me and the weight loss. Thanks again for putting yourself out there and I will be trying your recipes as the days go by!
Keep up the good work:))) Mandy
Hi Mandy! Juts think you can do it! You need to find something that inspires you and will motivate you. I know it’s hard, I’m in the same place. I would love to just stay at home cook, and play on the computer, but exercise is good for me and I always feel better when I am done. I have been thinking of getting Insanity, but I’m afraid. Maybe I should just do it!! I heard great things about that workout! Now you remember to keep up the good work and you are worth it!!!