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Pink Moscato Infused Strawberry Shortcake #SundaySupper

Hi Everyone,

You know what special day is coming up on May 9th? National Moscato Day! Yah!  So for #SundaySupper our mission is to make a fabulous dish with Gallo Family Vineyard Moscato Wine.  Oh yes, please!  I have to admit, since I have been cooking with wine lately, I am loving it!  I feel like a gourmet chef, not to mention I have been overly impressed with the dishes!  Speaking of impressed, today’s recipe is Ahhhhhhmazing!!!  I have for you Pink Moscato infused Strawberry Shortcake.  This is truly a restaurant style dessert!!

I have to admit something else too! This recipe is mine, yes, but it was my friend at work who came up with the idea. When it was suggested to make strawberry shortcake, I was all over that idea. After all, me, strawberries and Pink Moscato, ummm, yes please!!! I couldn’t wait to start making it!! After I made my recipe I took two shortcakes to work so everyone could try them. My friend, the idea maker, said it was excellent! That I did a good job! The words used were yummy!  I also got great reviews from everyone, plus I was asked for the recipe! Yah! I have to admit this recipe really did impress me!! It is so good, if you love strawberry shortcake, you will love this recipe! It’s a perfect spin-off of traditional strawberry shortcake.

I first started the recipe off, by making a drop biscuit. I have done shortcake in ramekins, but this is much easier and the biscuits came out so moist and light. The only glitch I had, was I was out of baking powder. So I decided to make my own. All it is, is 1/4 cup cream of tarter and 2 tablespoons of baking soda sifted together. I was really concerned that the biscuits weren’t going to turn out, but they did! The biscuits are made with flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, butter and milk. Give a mix and drop heaping tablespoons onto a baking pan. Bake for 10 minutes and they are done! How easy is that?

When the biscuits were baking, I made a thick, juicy, sweet strawberry topping that was cooked in Gallo Family Vineyards Pink Moscato Wine. Have you had GFV Pink Moscato? It is delicious. It’s sweet, light, with hints of citrus, berries and peach. The perfect light drink, plus a perfect complement to my strawberries. I just cooked my strawberries with the Pink Moscato and added a little sugar, until it was thick and bubbly, let it cool and the spoon over the biscuits. Oh my! It tasted so good the night I made it, but the next day, the strawberries and the Pink Moscoto really infused together and the flavor was out of this world. I kid you not, you must make strawberries with GFV Pink Moscato, even if you skip the biscuits, so good! The berries were perfectly sweet, but not overbearingly sweet. I personally don’t like a super sweet strawberry shortcake, but I like one that tastes more light and fresh! Oh, you can check out the strawberries cooking on my Instagram, right here!

Now for the whip cream. I had to make my own, I couldn’t use already made whip cream because after all I had to add a special touch to my whip cream to take it up a level. What did I add to my whipping cream as I beat it together with only 2 tablespoons of sugar? Pink Moscato Wine. Sounds crazy, but it really isn’t. The flavor is very light, and not super sweet, I think it is perfect!

Pink Moscato Infused Strawberry Shortcake
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A light refreshing dessert, made with homemade drop biscuits that have been topped in Pink Moscato infused strawberries and homemade whip cream.
Serves: 8 shortcakes
  • 2 cups flour
  • 4 tsp. baking powder
  • ¾ tsp. salt
  • 2 tbsp. sugar
  • 4 tbsp. butter, unsalted, chilled
  • 1 cup non-fat milk
  • 4 cups strawberries, sliced, divided
  • ⅓ cup + 1 tbsp. Gallo Pink Moscato Wine, divided
  • 3 tbsp. sugar, divided
  • 8 fl. oz. heavy whipping cream
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.
  3. In a large bowl, add flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; mix until combined. Cut in chilled butter until it forms course crumbs. Mix in milk until a dough forms, and pulls from the side of the bowl.
  4. Evenly drop 8 mounds of batter onto baking sheet. Place in oven and cook for 10 - 12 minutes, until lightly brown. Let cool on baking sheet for two minutes then remove to a cooling rack.
  5. While biscuits are cooling, in a large skillet over medium low heat, add strawberries, Moscato Wine and 2 tbsp. sugar. Stir constantly until thick and bubbly; about 8 -10 minutes. Let cool.
  6. Meanwhile make whip cream, In a large bowl; Add whipping cream, 1 tbsp. Moscato Wine and 1 tbsp. sugar, beat together until thick.
  7. Put the shortcake together, by topping shortcake with strawberries and add a dollop of whipping cream. Another option is you can cut the shortcake in half, horizontally, add strawberries and whip cream, to half the biscuit; top with other half of biscuit on top to make a sandwich. Top with more strawberries and whipping cream if desired.
Calories per strawberry shortcake: 330, Fat: 15, Cholesterol: 16, Sodium: 486, Potassium: 209, Carbs: 40, Fiber: 3, Sugar: 13, Protein: 5
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 shortcake

I have one piece of advice for this recipe, you may want to double up on the strawberries to use in other dishes like yogurt, toast, bread, oatmeal or more. The strawberries just blew my mind. Since I happen to have strawberries and Gallo Family Vineyards Pink Moscato left over, after I finish writing this post, I will be making more strawberries! I LOVE it!!

You can check out Gallo Family Vineyard Moscato Wine below:

Red Moscato 
White Moscato 
Pink Moscato

You can also get a $1.00 off coupon here.

I hope you celebrate National Moscato Day with us and whip together a fabulous dish using this light, fresh, sweet wine. Need more ideas? Be sure to check out what the #SundaySupper crew whipped together. I can’t wait, my favorite part of Sunday is reading everyone’s posts.

You can find Gallo Family Vineyards Wines here. You can also check out Gallo Family Vineyards website for their wine varieties and some great recipes.

Information on Gallo Family Vineyards
Gallo Family Vineyards store

Have a fabulous Sunday!



Appetizers and Mains:

Beverages, Breakfast, and Sweets:

Join the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. Check out our #SundaySupper Pinterest board for more fabulous recipes and food photos.

Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy! You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.

Compensation was provided by Gallo Family Vineyards via Sunday Supper, LLC. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author, and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Gallo Family Vineyards.

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