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All Natural Beef Hot Dogs & More Giveaway #whatsinyourhotdog #girlswhogrill

Hi Everyone,

Today I teamed up with Applegate to give you some summer fun with all natural ingredients that taste out of this world.  One thing my family and I love to grill up in the summer is hot dogs.  Do you know what is a traditional hot dog?  Well, let’s just say not good stuff.  I will spare you the gross details.  Anyway, I feel great having hot dogs now because Applegate made an all natural hot dog with only 4 ingredient; 100% grass-fed beef (raised without antibiotics or hormones), water, salt, and spices.  You can’t beat that!!  Not only is it all natural, but it tastes mighty delish.  Each hot dog is plump, juicy and has that snap that all hot dogs should have.  You will truly be happy with these dogs.

So your probably thinking, what about all natural condiments?  We have you covered there too!  Applegate teamed up with Sir Kensington’s to bring us all natural ketchup and mustard.  You know what?  They taste amazing!  I love it!  Plus Sir Kensington is Non-GMO Project Verified.  So now we can grill up our summertime favorites without feeling guilty.

You know what my favorite hot dog topping is?  Ketchup, mustard and peppercini’s.  You know I have to add my peppers.  🙂

So I have to ask, who does the grilling in your family?  I have to admit I do!!!!  I take my time, cook low and just watch my food cook.  My Husband tends to cook fast, long and tends to over-cooks things.  So today we are what we calling it “Girls Who Grill“.  My giveaway caters to the girl griller, but of course men can enter the giveaway too, after all they may want to eat these delicious, all natural hot dogs!  Oh yeah!!!

Want to hear something funny?  When I work with Applegate they always give me a red bandanna to wear in my hair.  Well as soon as my dog, Sampson, sees it, he must wear it.  He’s been wearing Applegate bandanna’s for well over a year.  I have a pic on Instagram of him wearing it.  Just take in mind he hates having his picture taken.  As soon as the camera comes out, he runs.  He’s a weirdo!

Ready for the giveaway?

This is what you get:

Isn’t that a great giveaway?  It’s really a lot of fun!  There is something for everyone in the giveaway!

To win all you have to do is tell me:  What are your favorite hot dog toppings?

Optional:  I would love if you would tweet the giveaway (just copy and paste into twitter):

Summertime Grilling Giveaway    

To learn more from Applegate you can go to the following:

Have a great day!



This is a sponsored post.  I was given product in order to review Applgates products.  All opinions are my own.

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