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Turkey, Apple and Cheese Crackers

Compensation was provided by The Laughing Cow via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of The Laughing Cow

Hi Everyone,

Today I teamed up with The Laughing Cow Cheese to share with you a healthy snack pairing. Well, as you may know I am all about snacks. I love them. I can easily eat snacks and skip my main meal. I don’t see anything wrong with that, especially if it is tasty, nutritional and it fills you up. So today I am sharing with you Turkey, Apple and Cheese Crackers.

This pairing is mighty delish. It’s made with The Laughing Cow Creamy Spicy Pepper Jack Cheese, the newest flavor of cheese they offer. It is spicy, creamy and smooth. I love it! I actually think they made this cheese for me. Anyway, I topped a multi-grain cracker with cheese, topped it with a thin slice of apple and then topped it with turkey. It’s sweet, spicy and the perfect little snack to satisfy your craving.

I have been a fan of The Laughing Cow Cheese for years. I love to make a grilled cheese sandwich with it and one of my favorite combos is The Laughing Cow Queso, Fresco & Chipotle cheese dipped in pretzels. That is my go to snack, but after today’s paring I think I may have changed my mind.

The Laughing Cow Cheese comes in lots of flavors such as Creamy Swiss Garlic & Herb, Creamy Spicy Pepper Jack, Creamy Original Swiss, Creamy Light Swiss, Creamy White Cheddar, Creamy Mozzarella, Sun-Dried Tomato and & Basil,and Creamy Swiss Onion. There is one for everyone!  It’s a lot of cheese for the calories. One wedge will top 4 crackers easily.

Here is my basic recipe:

So next time you are looking for a tasty snack, check out The Laughing Cow Cheese. It’s normally located in the isle with the cheese, near the deli.

Have a great day!



The Laughing Cow® invites consumers to take a mindful moment; to enjoy a tasty and satisfying snack experience at its best. Rich, creamy and delicious, The Laughing Cow® Spreadable Cheese Wedges are the perfect option to help consumers achieve that moment of ultimate snack satisfaction.

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