Hi Everyone and Happy Administrative Professionals Day!!
Welcome to Yum, Yum Wednesday! Today I am flashing back to a recipe that I made last year on the first day of Spring. It seems this week, everyone has been in sweet over drive, bringing all the left over Easter treats to the office and let me tell you I am soooooo sweet out! I would just kill for a nice light salad. So for Yum, Yum Wednesday, I am sharing with you a wonderful, flavor low-calorie salad that screams healthy and is made with fresh spring berries, this is my Strawberry and Avocado Salad with Strawberry Balsamic Dressing. Oh my is this a good salad. I simply love it and at a 152 calories what is not to love? It’s made with arugula for a slight peppery flavor, avocado and goat cheese for a healthy fat and fresh, high fiber low carb strawberries and blackberries. Oh how I love spring. This salad would make for a great lunch, maybe add a little chicken to it or serve it as a side salad with your dinner. Either way it is amazing and I almost forgot, the dressing. It’s made with fresh strawberries, balsamic dressing and a pinch of stevia. I am loving the strawberry dressing. You can get the recipe here.
Needless to say, I am soooooo making a salad for dinner! I think I’ll add strawberries! 🙂
Have a wonderful Yum, Yum Wednesday and for you Administrative Assistants, I hope your boss treats you well today. Oh and boss’s, don’t forget the people who help you everyday! You know you couldn’t do your job easily without them! In case you didn’t know, I’m an Admin! 🙂
Have a great day!
Love this recipe 🙂
Thank you Kristi!