Hi Everyone,
Today I teamed up with Sophia from NY FoodGasm to talk about Starting Your Day Off Right. As you may have guessed it, I am talking about breakfast! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It’s the one that starts your engine, helps you think and keeps you full. No I’m not talking about getting a latte from Starbucks and a low-fat muffin, I’m talking about a good breakfast!!!
Breakfast is actually my favorite meal of the day. It can anything from a savory egg dish to a sweet breakfast cookie. Oh how I love a good breakfast. There are some things you need to think of when you’re grabbing breakfast on the go or making it your self and that is what is in it?
Your breakfast should be made mostly of protein, such as in eggs and yogurt. It should also contain fiber to fill you up and a healthy carb like oatmeal. Stay away from carbs such as donuts and muffins. They may fill you up now, but you will crash and burn once the sugar wears off. You can also include fat in your breakfast, like avocado and peanut butter. Healthy fats are good for you and also helps digest any carbs you may have with breakfast.
Here are some examples of what a good healthy breakfast should be:
- Eggs, such as a hard-boiled egg, or an omelet or scramble made with 1 egg and two egg whites served with vegetables
- Breakfast Burrito made with scrambled eggs, wrapped in a low carb, high fiber tortilla shell and don’t forget the veggies
- Yogurt Parfait made with plain 0% fat greek yogurt served with berries, peanut butter and a pinch of granola
- Greek yogurt pancakes made with whole wheat flour, served with fruit
- Oatmeal made with fruit, a little maple syrup and maybe some peanut or almond butter
- An apple or banana with peanut butter
- Smoothie made with yogurt, chia seeds, protein powder, fruit and maybe even oatmeal
- Whole wheat waffle served with peanut butter and fruit
- High fiber, high protein cereal with non-fat milk or almond milk
- Whole Wheat Muffins, preferably homemade
Your probably thinking, what about coffee? Well of course you can have coffee, after all my morning is not to a good start unless I have a cup of coffee. Coffee has antioxidants, speeds your metabolism. Not a coffee drinker? Tea has the same effects as coffee and as a bonus green tea not only increases your metabolism, but it also helps you lose weight in the belly. I really need to drink more green tea. Just be sure when you have these drinks, limit the extras you put in it, like coffee creamer and sugar. I know, I know that’s the best part. For me, I got a milk frother, so I use that in my coffee which makes it sweeter and I also use a pinch of stevia. That way my latte is only 25 calories. You can also use flavored coffee to give your coffee extra flavor. I am partial to vanilla and peppermint flavored coffees. Just be sure you don’t buy the kind that are pre-sweetened.
What do you do when you don’t have time to make breakfast in the morning? Oh I got ya covered. I get up at 3:30am everyday and the last thing I want to do is wake up earlier to make breakfast. I recommend making it the night before. You can have things like a breakfast cookie, smoothie, overnight oatmeal and baked oatmeal. Or if your really in a rush, grab some fruit and go. I like to make my breakfast, and take it to work and eat it.
Here are some of my recipes of breakfasts you can make the night before:
Apples and Cinnamon Breakfast Jar Parfait
Berry Oatmeal Breakfast Smoothie
Still no time for breakfast and your going to stop off to grab something? Ok, got yah covered here too! This is my best advice for breakfast outside of your home.
Coffee Shops: Get a non-fat latte with sugar-free syrup or plain coffee. Get a cup of fruit, oatmeal or a protein box if they have it. STAY AWAY FROM THE BAKED GOODS! If they are low-fat, great, but it doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Just look at the calories! Your breakfast should not be 600 – 700 calories. Trust me, I used to go to Starbucks and get a grande skinny vanilla latte with a low-fat cinnamon coffee cake. Guess how many calories for both over 500! You know what? I was hungry an hour or two later, not worth it!!!
Go to Subway and get an egg white on an english muffin. They are under 200 calories and it leaves you room for coffee or a side of fruit.
While eating out, just be sure you watch the fat and carbs in your dishes. If you get eggs and need cheese, ask for them to go light on the cheese. Stay away from white bread, go for multi-grain, rye or wheat. Stay away from pancakes, waffles and other odd ball things that maybe in a dish. Skip the hash browns and get fruit or toast. I know we all love bacon, but stay away or limit yourself to one slice. Forget the sausage, that is just plain bad for you!!
There are so many things you can do for breakfast! A lot of people have an excuse not to eat it, but trust me you really need to, your body needs it!!! Here is my personal recommendation for breakfast, no matter if you eat at home or on the go!
Well I hope you like today’s edition of #HolidayDetox. I have been enjoying writing these posts, not only do I get to share something with you, but it also makes me remember. I tend to forget these kind of things.
Be sure you check out Sophia’s blog, NY FoodGasm to see what she recommends for Starting Your Day Off Right!
Have a fabulous Wednesday!
P.S. For the recipes in the pictures above, you can just click the picture and they should take you to the recipe. Here they are in order from top to bottom.
Oatmeal Pumpkin Breakfast Smoothie
Baked Cinnamon and Apple Oatmeal
Chocolate Almond and Cranberry Breakfast Cookie
You can check out my other breakfast recipes here.
Here are Sophia’s recipes. Don’t forget to check it out!!
Oatmeal Bars
Green Smoothie
I am drooling over all these amazing breakfast choices. I am a mother, 3rd grade teacher and runner. I have noticed my energy and stamina increase by incorporating healthy, unprocessed food choices back into my diet. I will definitely be using these recipes and ideas for breakfast. I need choices that will keep me going all day and prevent me from “crashing” or turning to the vending machine in the teacher’s lounge!
Thank you Kara for your comment, it meant a lot to me when I read it this morning! I could only imagine how much energy you must need teaching 3rd graders, being a Mom and a runner, how do you do it?? I can barely make it through the day myself!
Putting me to shame Jennifer, these look crazy good! All of your breakfast ideas are so innovative and lowfat, while also being insanely delish. My FAVE has to be your greek yogurt pancakes soooooo good! Thanks so much for joining me. I promise next week will run smoother on my end. Sorry for any misunderstanding I would hate to offend one of my favorites due to my poor understanding of posting!
Oh man I love the greek yogurt pancakes! I haven’t made pancakes in forever, and I so need to do so this weekend!! And hey, no biggie, I understand!! Were cool! 🙂
I really love breakfast too! Best meal of the day. Thanks for all of the great breakfast links.
Your welcome Tayna! Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day too!!!
3:30?????? Oh my goodness, you are the earliest bird I know! Love this post, it’s so true that the way you start the morning out affects the entire day. I had pancakes this morning which I love but they made me so sleepy it was crazy. Thanks for all the great ideas Jennifer!
Yes 3:30 everyday! It’s crazy and I can’t believe I do it, but I do! 🙂 I am so glad you like this post, it means a lot to me. 🙂
Great roundup! I love having breakfast recipes that can be made the night before on hand. The one problem is that those recipes are usually high fat casseroles or sugary French toast dishes! Thank you for a linkup of healthy, lighter baked breakfasts! I had to bookmark this!
Your welcome Lindsay! I understand about overnight dish that are just not healthy for you. I really enjoy the overnight oats, they are so easy and tasty, plus you can top them with just about anything you like.