Hi Everyone,
Today is my continuation of my Mini Kitchen makeover. I am getting a ton of fun ideas on how to up do my kitchen without spending a lot of money or making major changes that would take forever. I figured the best way to do this is in baby steps. As much as I would love a major overhaul of the kitchen, oh how wonderful would that be? I thought I would work from area to area. Back in January, we started with one section of the kitchen, and that was the refrigerator. I was in desperate need of a new one, since the shelves were falling out, the water line was leaking and ruining the floors and it’s just plain ugly, so as my Christmas present my Husband bought me a nice shiny silver refrigerator. But it wasn’t as easy as an install as you would think. My Husband wanted to move the refrigerator to a new spot, which is where my pantry is. Here is my kitchen before (Don’t mind the mess, when I took these I wasn’t planning on sharing). See the pantry on the right (where Samantha is standing), that is where the refrigerator is going to go.
My Husband moved out the old refrigerator and put shelves from the garage temporally in it’s place to hold the pantry items until he finishes the kitchen. 8 months later and the shelves are still there. sigh…. I didn’t mind losing the pantry, since it didn’t hold much! The pantry wasn’t even deep enough to hold a box of cereal. I guess my black strap molasses leaked and so did my flour. Sorry for the not so pretty pictures.
My Husband, the handy man that he is, decided instead of buying cupboards, he would build them himself. This took quite a while, but he did it. This is what the old pantry area looks like now. Much better!!!
Now that we finished one little section of the kitchen, we are working our way over to the next, which is the sink area. My faucet as you may know from this post, doesn’t work very well. It doesn’t turn, it’s ugly and it doesn’t get very hot water out of it, do to the fact that it doesn’t turn all the way to the hot side. Here is my ugly faucet.
Isn’t it ugly? Here is another picture so you get the whole idea. It took some major muscles to move it to this position.
As you may know I recently just received my new Delta faucet in the mail this past week. I got the Cassidy Single Handle Pull-Down Kitchen Faucet with Touch2O® Technology. Oh my gosh it’s so big, shiny and pretty! I am patiently waiting for my Husband to install it. I have to keep bugging him. You really have no idea how much I have to bug him. I would hire someone, but he insists on doing it himself.
I have been getting lots of ideas of how I am going to makeover my sink area of the kitchen, that I started an Inspired Living Board on Pintrest. The kitchens, faucets and designs are just gorgeous! Honestly I would love, love, love a white kitchen with gray counter tops and shiny new appliances and a gorgeous, big faucet to make my life easier and cleaner in the kitchen. This is one of the kitchens I just LOVE!!!
But my Husband on the other hand refuses white cabinets, and he said with two dirty dogs, it won’t stay clean. So we went for dark cabinets. Eventually we will be making over the floor, since laminate flooring is not great in a kitchen, maybe a new back-splash and definitely a new pantry since I don’t want ugly green shelves in my kitchen. Sorry it’s too embarrassing to show you the pictures. But as for right now, our next step is the sink makeover. Hmm, I wonder if I could talk him into a new sink to go with my new Delta faucet? Here is the area that I am working on next. So hopefully my next post about my makeover, there will be with a new Delta Faucet Cassidy Single Handle Pull-Down Kitchen Faucet with Touch2O® Technology installed? Plus maybe some curtains??
If your into looking at beautiful kitchens, wanting ideas, I highly recommend checking out my Inspired Living Pinterst Page. I am updating it all of the time with new, fun kitchen ideas!
On my Pintrest Page, you have to tell my which kitchen design is your favorite? Is there a dream kitchen you have always wanted? Do tell, I am always looking for more ideas or ones that make me dream. If your not sure what kind style you have, check out my last post on finding your Kitchen Style, it’s a fun quiz!
For more inspiring ideas, you can check out Delta Faucet and get your own ideas by visiting them at the following places:
You Tube
Delta Faucet isn’t just faucets, but great ideas for kitchen and bath! I was really surprised by what I found on there pages. Lots a of great ideas!! Well my Friends I am off to look for more ideas and maybe buy some curtains for my sink area of the kitchen, plus bug, bug, bug the Husband to install my new Delta Faucet! Hmmm, maybe if I pretend I am going to do it myself, he will say no, no way you can’t do it, and then he will? he he I call that reverse psychology. I bet it would work. 🙂 I guess we will find out!
Have a great week everyone!
Delta Touch2O Technology for your kitchen and bathroom is precisely in tune with your every touch. Take the quiz to learn which faucet style best describes you at deltafaucet.com
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Delta via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Delta.
How exciting!!!
I love white cabinets too but the boyfriend says the same thing-too difficult to keep clean *sigh*
Where do men get this about white cabinets? Did they learn it in school or something? lol
I like your bit at a time approach – I was without a kitchen for a couple weeks while we did ours and that is HARD! I have to bug bug bug my hubby too for things like that – and he used to be a plumber! I threaten to hire a different plumber if he doesn’t get on it 🙂
lol you are funny!! But it’s true!!! Us girls have to give an innocent little threat to get the work done! 🙂
I’m so excited for you! Your Pinterest inspiration board is awesome!!
I love the Inspiration Board too! Lots of great ideas and so many pretty kitchens!!
Jennifer, your husband was very wise to move the refrigerator. Having it next to the stove is not a very bright design. (If you close in the pantry I would make sure that the wall next to the stove is insulated, too.) I’m curious what you are thinking about for flooring. We have a laminate floor which might be nice except for the fact that two weeks after our new kitchen was finished, we had a really bad freeze and ended up with a broken hot water line that ruined the floor. My other issue with laminate is that it does not stand up well to scooting chairs around on it, which my husband does all the time. I would probably like tile, but we both drop things periodically, and that is hard on both the tile and whatever is dropped on it. So if you have some good ideas I’d love to hear about them.
Hi Susan! We have been looking at flooring and as much as it scares me, I think we are going to go with tile. I will just be sure to have a throw rug on the floor and a mat where I stand. Laminate is nice, but it doesn’t hold up to water well, as you already know. Between my dogs drinking out of there water bowl and our refrigerator leak, laminate is just not working for us.
My Husband said the same thing about the placement of the refrigerator, that’s why he moved it. I don’t know who comes up with these bright ideas on some kitchen designs.
Yayyyy kitchen makeover that is so exciting!
I know I have been patiently waiting!! I can’t wait till it’s completely done, but I think that will be a while.
Love that gray and white kitchen, I agree, it looks like a dream!
I know isn’t it so pretty? It was to hard of a sell the white and gray to my Husband. Darn my dirty hands from baking and my dirty dogs! I guess I’ll stick with dark cabinets!
Your pictures look terrific. Don’t know about you but patience is not my strong suit, especially when it comes to my kitchen! My brother in law did mine last year & did a wonderful job. Then just lately made a trip to ikea & picked up a multitude of smaller wall shelves & lights, so I have a lot more storage for spices & large jars. However, please post updates as we are all rootin’ for your new kitchen — Good Luck!!!
Wow Wendy, I love the idea of shelves with lights! I need more shelving space throughout my house!! I’ll let you know how the kitchen turns out.
Between the SousPug and the EvilMinx – it’s a dark cabinet for me hopefully (when I do finally purchase a home). Now I rent so the cupboards are not as gorg. to look at and organizationally – well, let’s just say my pantry has seen better days. I LOVE what he built for the fridge 🙂
You’ll get your home. It took us a lot of years to get ours, but it finally happened. 🙂 I so understand about your pantry, mine was set up so stupid. Can you imagine not even enough room for a box of cereal! Ugh!
I love watching kitchen renovations!!! You’re off to a smashing start….love the new fridge and faucet!
I like watching those kind of shows too! It’s amazing some of the work that is done and so quick!
I am so excited for you!! You are inspiring me to makeover my kitchen too 😀
Thanks Kristi! It’s is a long process, especially when your doing it step by step, but it will get done eventually!!
Gahhhh – molasses ALWAYS leaks! Whoever can invent a leak/drip-free molasses jar should win the Noble Prize.
I’m loving the do-able updates you’re making to your kitchen. Looks great! Always nice to freshen things up a little.