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Virgin Sex on the Beach Slushie

Hi Everyone,

Since I didn’t have Smoothie Monday, I thought today I would share a slushie recipe with you.  With the summer heat here, there is nothing more refreshing than a cold drink to quench your thirst.  I really had a hard time debating on what to call this drink, but it is what it is, a Virgin Sex on the Beach Slushie.

It’s kind of a funny name don’t you think?  Who comes up with this stuff?  I should really google it, but I’d be afraid to see what I would find.  So why is it called a Virgin Sex on the Beach?  Well I took all of the components of the mixed drink, made it natural and healthy and took out the alcohol.  I subbed frozen peaches, for the peach schnapps, added Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry Juice and squeezed in some fresh orange juice and of course omitted the vodka.  The combination is quite amazing.   My Husbands words were, it’s different, but good, I like it!  He drank it all, almost the whole batch!!  At least I got a little bit so I can describe it to you.

In this drink you really get a taste of everything.  The first sip is a tang from the cranberry juice and then a slight sweetness from the oranges and then the peach hits your palate.  It’s quite yummy and such an odd combination, but it all works well together.  This drink is perfect to quench your thirst after being out in the sun.

Virgin Sex on the Beach Slushie
Prep time
Total time
A healthy, frozen summer drink made with peaches, cranberry juice and oranges.
Serves: 2¼ cups
  • 1 cup peaches, frozen
  • ½ cup cranberry juice, light I used Diet Ocean Spray)
  • ¼ cup orange juice, freshly squeezed (juice from one orange)
  • ½ tsp stevia (to taste)
  • ⅓ cup water
  • 1 cup ice
  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.
Calories: 112, Fat: .07, Cholesterol: 0, Sodium: 25, Potassium: 491, Carbs: 28, Fiber: 3.5, Sugar: 24, Protein: 1.9
Nutrition Information
Serving size: The Whole Recipe

Now this drink is rated “G” for kids, but I highly recommend you call it something else, like maybe a Peachy Keen slushie?

I am loving turning tropical drinks into healthy, fun smoothie type drinks.  I wonder what drink I should conquer next?  Hmmmm….  Any suggestions?

Well my Friends, I am off to Trader Joe’s, I realized I forgot a few must need items at the store.  Who am I kidding?  I don’t think I need to make an excuse to go to TJ’s.  I just want to go!  🙂

Have a great day!



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