Hi Everyone,
I bet you noticed my new blog design! I am so happy with it! I think it looks much cleaner and it’s easier to navigate. I do know there are some issues I need to take care of in the recipe section, and I will, do in time, so please be patient. I would love it if you would take a look around and let me know if you see anything I should fix, add or take off. Now on today’s recipes! With Easter right around the corner, boy it came fast this year, I thought I would put together 27 of my personal favorite recipes that I thought would be perfect for Easter.
Whole Wheat Apple Yogurt Pancake Cake
Coconut Angel Foodcake Cupcakes
Stuffed Strawberry French Toast
Peanut Butter Banana Strawberry Bread
I haven’t decided what I am making for Easter this year and I need ideas! I would love it if you would tell me your favorite Easter Recipes that you will make, have or want for Easter! Feel free to link them below!
Have a wonderful day!
I like the new desigh, no clean 🙂 And I also like your favorite recipes for Easter, some of them are actualy my favorites as well. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to you Marta!! I’m looking at your Comment with Love and scrambled eggs and asparagus sound great! I have to check it out!!
Everything is this list looks perfect for Easter!! Your design looks fabulous!
Thank you so much Becca!! 🙂
They all look delicious, but you really have me with anything that says chocolate, coconut or almond joy!
I’m with you! Give me chocolate, almonds and coconut and I’m happy! One of my favorite sweet combos!!
Such a cute new blog design!
Thank you so much!!
Wow these are ALLL sooo beautiful! Like the new design, a lot more clean! You must be happy to have a new design!
I’m pretty happy with it! I do like how much cleaner it looks! I don’t like a lot of clutter, especially on a website!
Congrats on the new design Jen-I love it! What a great collection of delicious Easter recipes as well!
Thank you Laura!!
These are all such great ideas for this weekend! I’m so diggin’ on the Strawberry Crepes! (=
The Strawberry Crepes are on my must do list again! I love them and once you get the hang of making them, they are so easy!!
Loving your new blog design!! And I’m also loving these recipes. I’m still putting my Easter menu together (I know…can we say procrastinater?), but I’m getting great ideas from this post. Thanks! 🙂
Thanks Elaine! I don’t know what were doing for Easter? My Step-daughter has to work at Panera Bread and they are predicting it will be crazy busy there and then after work it’s off to her boyfriends for dinner, so it’s just Hubby and I! 🙁 But I am sure I will think of something to whip together! I’ll probably figure it out on Easter! Now that is procrastination! lol
Woah, new blog design! awesome!! 🙂 Great recipe roundup too, love.
Thank Kammie!!
Mmm that strawberry french toast looks so good!! Great recipe roundup!
Thank you Ashley!! 🙂
Congrats on the new site! Looks soooo much more professional and crisp and a big woohoo for it! You’ve gottta be so happy! And all of these recipes just look sooo good!
Thank you Averie! I’m pretty happy with the site! Still working on the recipe page, but I think that will take some time. Funny when you start off blogging, you don’t realize how many recipes your really going to make, then trying to organize them! Eck!!