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Coconut and M&M’s Cookies #SundaySupper

Good morning!!!

Welcome to another edition of #SundaySupper!  Today’s mission was to make something for Passover or for Easter.  I had a hard time with this weeks mission.  I have a bazillion ideas on things to make, but I confuse myself so much, I don’t know what to make.  Does that ever happen to you?  I thought of making an egg dish, then I thought ham or some sort of  pastry, but instead I decided on cookies!  Yup cookies for Easter!  Why not?

The reason for making these cookies to bring to #SundaySupper is that they are easy to share with others, and it’s all about sharing.  Plus they are full of coconut and for some reason when I think of Easter, I think of coconut.  Why is that?  Or maybe it’s just because I really like coconut?  I don’t know?  The other reason is because I had a bag of pastel M&M’s hanging out in my pantry begging for me to use them.  Yes I had M&M’s, shame on me, but it’s not my fault, I couldn’t resist them.  M&M’s are M&M’s no matter what, yet when they change the color of them, I must have them.  Who can resist such pretty pastel colors?  I have always been a big fan of M&M’s.  When I was in 7th grade I would take a bag of them with me to school just about everyday.  Matter in fact, my friends would call me M&M.  Goofy, huh!  But look at their pretty color, how can you resist?

Darn M&M’s!!  🙂  I debated on adding chocolate chips to the cookies, but honestly I didn’t want to.  I thought the sweetness from my M&M’s were enough, plus I was after more of a coconut cookie rather than a chocolate chip cookie.  I am very happy with the outcome of my cookies.  The cookies are crispy on the outside, soft in the middle and have a slight crunch from the M&M’s.  The shredded coconut almost gives them a macaroon texture!  Love that!

I love that picture above!  Anyway, I actually made these cookies twice this week.  I made a healthier version, and they tasted good, but they weren’t what I was looking for, so I decided to change-up my recipe and go a little less healthy, but don’t worry these cookies aren’t to bad for you!  I found the key to having the cookies you have always liked, is to make them smaller and savor every bite.  Even with M&M’s in them, they came in at 61 calories a cookie!  You can’t feel bad about that!

Coconut and M&M’s Cookies
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A coconut cookie with a crispy outer and a soft center and full of milk chocolate M&M's.
Serves: 64 Cookies
  • 2½ cup whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 1 cup butter, room temperature
  • ¾ cup Presweet Tagatose or ¾ cup granulated sugar
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • ½ cup Egg Subsitute or 2 large eggs
  • ½ tsp. vanilla extract
  • ½ tsp. coconut extract
  • ¾ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • ½ cup Chocolate M&M's (coconut one's would be great too)
  1. Preheat oven to 350F
  2. Line two baking sheets with a Silpat or Parchment Paper; set a side.
  3. In a bowl add flour, baking soda and salt; set a side.
  4. In large bowl, cream butter and sugars until combined. Beat in eggs, vanilla and coconut extract until smooth. Gradually add flour mixture until combined.
  5. Stir in shredded coconut and M&M's.
  6. Drop by well rounded teaspoons onto prepared baking sheets. Bake 8 - 10 minutes until golden brown.
Calorie per Cookie using Presweet Tagatose: 61.2, Fat: 3.6, Cholesterol: 7.9, Sodium: 42.7, Potassium: 8.3, Carbs: 8.4, Fiber: .07, Sugar: 2.4, Protein: .09

Calories per cookie using Granulated Sugar: 66.8, Fat: 3.6, Cholesterol: 7.9, Sodium: 42.7, Potassium: 8.3, Carbs: 8.5, Fiber: .07, Sugar: 4.8, Protein: .09
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 Cookie

Do you ever make any out of the ordinary dishes for your Easter?  Or do you go traditional?  Or do you go out?  I’m hoping to go out this year, especially since I’ll be going out-of-town for work the day after Easter.  Maybe my Husband will get the hint if he reads this.  🙂

Time to get going, be sure to check out everyone’s recipes to see what they are bringing to the table.




Breakfast, Breads, and Buns

Appetizers and Sides

Main Dishes




Wine Pairing Recommendations for #SundaySupper Religious Feasts from ENOFYLZ Wine Blog

Join the #SundaySupper conversation on Twitter on Sunday, March 24 to talk all about Easter and Passover recipes! We’ll tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm EST. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag, and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. Check out our #SundaySupper Pinterest board for more delicious recipes and food photos.

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