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Recipe Recap

Hi Everyone,

Normally I would post a recipe for you today, but I’m holding off because my Husband is working in the kitchen and I am unable to cook and bake.  Ahhhhh!!!!  My kitchen is a disaster area!!  For Christmas I got a refrigerator and it finally arrived.  My Husband is re-arranging my kitchen so my refrigerator is going to go where my horrible pantry was and he is going to put in a new pantry where the fridge was.  Yah!!  He just informed me that he is going to have to drywall the kitchen   I am not looking forward to that!  Dry walling makes a horrible mess with the sanding and all!!  So you will have to bare with me for a few weeks, with recipes and photos.  Where I take my photos, it’s now where all my kitchen pantry goods are sitting.  I have to keep them up high or my dog will be digging into the boxes and bags.   The next few weeks should be interesting around here!!  Here is my weekly recap:

Monday:  Super Chocolaty Hot Chocolate – This drink is simply amazing!  It’s creamy, smooth and definitely satisfies the sweet tooth.  Making it with unsweetened coconut milk, really gives it the creamy flavor!!  My family was shocked on how good it tastes.  I served this at Christmas breakfast!

Tuesday (Christmas):  Gingerbread Pancakes – I don’t know what it is, but whenever there is a holiday or celebration I like to make pancakes!  They are just fun and I like decorating them.  I think it’s my version to what normal people make at celebrations, which is cake!!  These pancakes are light, fluffy and a perfect replica of gingerbread!

Wednesday:  Tomato Soup – This is such an easy and quick dinner to make.  It’ so perfect with a grilled cheese sandwich!!  I really don’t think there is any more comforting soup, except maybe chicken noodle.  Love my tomato soup!!

Thursday:  Homemade Nutella – This is pure danger around me!!  It’s so good, creamy and chocolaty   I think I have a bit of a sweet tooth this week!  I’m telling you, if you like Nutella, you must try this recipe!  It’s easy to make, and honestly I think it tastes better than Nutella.  It tastes even better than next day!  Glad I have left over hazelnuts because I can guarantee I am going to make this again this week!!

Friday:  Smoked Paprika Edamame Bean Dip – This dip is amazing and so healthy for you!  You can eat as much of it as you want and it is completely guilt-free!!  I have been nibbling on this dip all weekend and I even put it on my veggie sandwich!!!

Saturday:  Yogurt Toppings – You know how much I love yogurt!  I don’t think there is a day that goes by that I don’t have it!!  It’s so good!  I really had fun creating all of these toppings! I have to say I don’t have a favorite topping because they are all good, depending on your mood.  But the chocolate with the orange is my new go to one!  I have it for my after dinner dessert!

Well Guys, this is it for me today!!  Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and Happy New Years!!



P.S.  This weeks craving is Artichoke and Jalapeno Ranch Dip.  I can’t get enough of this dip!  I have made it 4 times since I posted this recipe a few weeks ago!  It’s just so good!!!



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