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Mint Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies

Howdy Partners,

I am writing this on Saturday evening so I can get a quick jump on my posts for the week.  I figured if I did this now, for one I wouldn’t snack and two I can focus on exercise and making healthy dinners throughout the week!  After my Saturday indulgence, I am going to start my week out right, starting with a wholesome healthy breakfast!  But today I do not have a healthy breakfast for you, that will be tomorrow, I think?  But I have my Saturday indulgence to share with you!

See these little Guys?  They are extremely dangerous!  Dangerous I tell ya!!  All day they taunted me, telling me to eat me, eat me!!  If you ask me to eat something, I feel the need to say ok, after all how can I say no?  So I ate one, then two, then three, then I thought these taste really familiar what is that taste?  Eat four, eat five and finally on my sixth one, I realized what these cookies taste like.  Ready for this…

They taste like Girl Scout Thin Mints!  I can’t believe I accidentally recreated a cookie that tastes like Girl Scout Thin Mints!  I feel like I discovered a million dollars or something!!  I have to thank Little Jenny for this.  Before she went to work, I asked her if she wanted me to make her any cookies for her and her boyfriend Saturday night and she said, yah, Mint Chocolate Chips.  I think we are all on a mint kick this week!  I wouldn’t have discovered these gems if it wasn’t for her.  I don’t know if I should love her or hate her for this!!  When she came home from work, she took a bite of the cookie and said “Oh My Gosh” with a mouth full of cookies.  Can I take the whole batch with me?  I was happy to give them to her, because if they were here right now, I’d be eating one while I was typing this!!  Just look at them!!

See what I mean about dangerous?  At least the cookies are only 59 calories each!  But having 6 of them, kind of adds up!!  This recipe is also very easy to make!  It’s a basic batch of cookies, but the secret ingredient is Jello Sugar Free Instant Pudding, Fudge flavor!!  I never put pudding in my cookies before, I’ve done cake batter but never pudding.  I am pretty surprised on how well they turn out!!  I am so glad I tried this!!!  You have to try pudding in cookies, it’s crazy good.  It adds a whole new dimension to your cookie!

Mint Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A chocolate cookie with a fudgy center and full of mint chocolate chips. Tastes like a Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie.
Serves: 44 Cookies
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 pkg. (1.4 oz pkg.) sugar free,instant chocolate fudge pudding mix
  • ½ cup (1 stick) butter, softened
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 eggs or ½ cup egg substitute
  • ½ tsp. vanilla extract
  • ¼ tsp. peppermint extract
  • ¾ cups mint chocolate chips (I used Nestle Dark Chocolate & Mint Chips)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
  3. In a small bowl add flour and pudding mix;set a side
  4. In a large bowl add butter and beat for 30 seconds; until creamy. Add brown sugar and baking soda and beat until well combined. Beat in eggs, vanilla and peppermint extract. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in mint chocolate chips
  5. Drop dough by rounded teaspoon 2 inches apart onto prepared baking sheets.
  6. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until set. Cool on baking sheets 2 to 3 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.
Calorie per cookie: 58.7, Fat: 3.3, Cholesterol: 5.7, Sodium: 34.4, Potassium: 18.8, Carbs: 7.6, Fiber: .01, Sugar: 4.4, Protein: .06
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 Cookie

Do you crave danger?  If you do, then these cookies are for you!  I bet you can’t eat just one!  Ohhh, these would be so good with a Peppermint Latte!  Man, I think I need to make more of these, no I don’t!!  I have no control!  I really need a new hobby!

QUESTION:  What is your favorite all time cookie?

Have a great day everyone!!!



P.S.  I don’t know why, but I just like this picture!




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