Hi Everyone,
Today is the last official day of Pancake week, but that’s not going to stop me from making pancakes. I just love pancakes! You can make them anyway you like and I love that! I can’t wait till next year to see how many different kind of pancakes I will have created.
These pancakes I made last weekend, and I wanted to share them with you earlier but I figured I may bore you of pancakes everyday for a week, though I can’t imagine how? Pancakes are a fun breakfast food.
These pancakes are a little different then my previous strawberry pancakes, these have fresh strawberries stuffed on the inside and are made with Vanilla Greek Yogurt. Plus I think there the lowest calorie pancakes I have made! 166 calories for 3 1/2 of them. But who’s going to eat half a pancake, just eat 4!
These pancakes look nice, but I think they need a little something, something. What do you think?
That’s more like it, but we need more, please.
I love playing with my tripod, this is the fun part of pancakes, besides the taste!
Yum, I think I’m going to make pancakes for my Saturday morning breakfast!! I got a new one cooking up my sleeve that I want to try. The calories will be higher, but there going to be good and healthy!!
These look good, but you know I need my topping!!!
Almost to pretty to eat, key word, almost!!! These pancakes are light and fluffy, filled with fresh strawberries. There good frozen too! I freeze them, take them out in the morning and pop in the microwave for about 1 minutes or so, tastes as fresh as when I made them!!
Vanilla Strawberry Pancakes
1/3 Cup of Greek Vanilla Yogurt (I used Chobani Vanilla Greek Yogurt)
2 egg Whites
1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1/3 Cup White Whole Wheat Flour
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Sugar
1 dash salt
1/2 cup strawberries, diced
Optional Additional Topping add 2 strawberries, sliced in between pancakes.
Mix greek yogurt, egg whites & vanilla extract into a small bowl
In a separate bowl combine flour, baking soda, sugar, & salt
Combine and whisk till evenly mixed
Fold in strawberries
Spray a non-stick skillet with cooking spray and place 1/4-cup batter onto non-stick skillet and cook till bubbles start appearing through the top of the pancake and then flip. NOTE: Cook on medium heat and I flattened out my batter with the spatula to cook more evenly.
About 1-2 minutes on each side
Makes 7 pancakes
Serving Size 2:
Calories per serving: 166, Fat: .06, Cholesterol: 0, Sodium: 244, Potassium: 205, Carbs: 27, Fiber: 4, Sugar: 5.3, Protein: 14.5
I hope you have enjoyed my pancake week, as much as I have creating them. I really do love my pancakes and there not bad for you like people think, when you think pancakes. So I hope you give them a try and let me know what you think and how they turned out. I do notice different brand names of yogurt, flour ect… make the pancake come out a little different, but one thing they all have in common is they taste good!! I’ve been experiencing with different flours and yogurt brands and I do notice a difference in the look, but the taste is the same. Which is super great in my book! 🙂
Have a great weekend!! Do something fun! I think tonight Hubby and I are going to have a date night! Yah!!! Something for me to look forward too! See you tomorrow!!!