Hi Everyone,
How is your weekend going so far? For me, boring. I haven’t done too much but today were celebrating little Jenny’s 20th birthday so were going to a Hibachi Grill for dinner, yum and I haven’t decided what we’ll do during the day. Remember being 20? Oh so young and innocent with a whole world ahead of you.
Speaking of being young, I decided to make a kids treat that is good for kids of all ages and that included adults. This little treat brings out the kids in all of us!
Yup you guessed it it’s Peanut Butter Cheerios! You knew this had to be coming when I posted the box of cereal the other day! I am so addicted to this cereal. I put it in my yogurt everyday and I eat it by the handfuls everyday. I love it! I like to look at them as little hugs. You know X’s and O’s.
I told my Husband I am giving him a tray of hugs to take to work with him. There just so cute! He took them to work and said everyone loved them and they all got eaten! yah!! A lot of time’s he’ll bring some of the left overs back, but he said none on this batch, everyone ate them first thing in the morning. Doesn’t it make you feel good when people like what you made? Even as simple and easy as Cheerio treats?
I made these the same way as I did regular Rice Krispie treats. However you could add 1/2 cup of peanut butter to give it more of a peanut butter flavor, but I opted out on it, because it saved me about 25 calories, per piece and when I made these I ate two right off the bat. They are to dangerous for me, that’s why they went work with Hubby, to good to keep around my house. I could easily eat half a pan. I have no self-control when it comes to sweets, especially the sweets that taste like peanut butter. I need serious help, I really do!!
Cheerio Treats
2 tbsp light butter spread
4 cups or 10.5 oz pkg. mini marshmallows
6 cups Peanut Butter Cheerios
cooking spray
Spray a 9×13-inch pan with cooking spray and set aside.
Heat a large saucepan on low heat. Melt butter spread. Add marshmallows and melt on low flame. Stir until completely melted, then remove from heat.
Add Cheerios to the melted marshmallows, and stir until completely combined (you will need muscles here). Press into the pan using wax paper.
Serving Size: 24 2 inch pieces
Calories per treat: 82, Fat: .09, Sodium: 61, Potassium: 21, Carbs: 18, Fiber: .07, Sugar: 10.5, Protein: 1.1
You could serve these treats for the Super Bowl too!! They will definitely get gobbled up! Not to mention it will take you about 10 minutes to put together! If your still looking for other ideas on what to make check out my post from yesterday. It’s 21 of my favorite treats, snacks and appetizers that I think will be good for a Super Bowl party!
Here’s bite mark number 2 on my treat! So darn good!!! I saved some for Jenny, and she has four left in the cupboard do you think she’ll notice if one or two are missing?
Well my friends, time to relax for the rest of my Friday and maybe do some stretching. My body is stiff from sitting all day and I didn’t exercise today, so tomorrow morning I need to burn it up or I won’t meet my weekly goal! Have a great day! Remember to give some Cheerio Treats to loved ones and tell them there a bunch of hugs held together with your sweetness! Who could resist that?