Hi Everyone and Good Morning,
I wanted to let you know I am currently under construction. I switched to web hosting and I am happy to report I barely had any down time, however the set-up is different and I lost some of my widgets. Trying to figure how to get things back and where to get them again, ugh!! So please bare with me, I will hope to be back to semi-normal earlier today.
All my recipes, pages, post and comments are still here.
I’m sorry to say, I lost all my subscribers, so please subscribe again. I was able to get Facebook and Twitter back
Thanks for stopping by and I’ll be back with new updated and a new recipe tomorrow.
P.S. February is going to be a great month, lots of good things are happening for Peanut Butter and Peppers, so stay tuned!
Hope all continues to go well – everything looks great!
Thank you so much! I appreciate your comment, I needed that right now! But I am happy to say, I will be back in the morning with a new recipe. 🙂