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Beef Stew in Crockpot

Hi Everyone and Happy Thursday!

I can’t believe how fast time is going.  I was reading another blog this morning and they said less than one month till Thanksgiving!!  Holy Crappers!!!  Once Turkey Day is here, it’s all over, we will officially be in Christmas mode!  But one thing I like about Turkey Day is shopping Black Friday!  Yah, I know who goes out on that day?  I have a secret hiding spot that no one really knows about, so I get all my shopping done by 9am!  Then I go to breakfast to my favorite Bistro and then head to Target because the crowd will be gone.  Yup, that’s my Black Friday!  I can’t believe I am even talking about that!!  Do you shop Black Friday?

Since I am in the Fall mode, I have also been craving hearty comfort food!  I think you can tell from this weeks recipes, like Wally’s Beef Chili, Skinny Vanilla Lattes and now Beef Stew!!  Not to toot my own horn, but I have to admit this is the best beef stew that I have made!  My Husband agreed with me!  We ate the whole pot and that’s four servings!!  It’s chock full of tri-tip steak, potatoes, carrots, onion, carrots and tomatoes!  For the seasoning I used Worcestershire sauce, paprika  thyme, garlic powder and bay leaves.  Oh my gosh was it good!!  It’s so easy to make to!!!

The hardest thing about making this dish was the smell.  I was home from work that day when I made this and it made the house smell so good!  Kind of like when you go to Mom’s or Grandma’s house and you walk in there home to that warm, comforting smell.  Yup, this stew does that!!!  I promise if you try this recipe, you won’t be disappointed!

Since I was home that day my Husband sent me a text asking me if I wanted to go to dinner to celebrate our 7th year wedding anniversary and I told him my phone was off and I didn’t get his message, and I told him I didn’t want to go to dinner.  He asked why? I told him I had dinner cooking.  He was disappointed and asked in a sad voice what are we having?  I told him Beef Stew, oh my gosh did his tone of his voice change.  He was thrilled.  It’s one of those dishes that I don’t make to often.  Since my Husband is a meat and potatoes kind of guy I thought I would surprise him with this dish for our anniversary.  I know it’s not romantic, but he loves it and that’s all that counts!!!

We served this dish with a side of rye bread!  For some reason we like dipping buttered rye bread into our stews and chili’s.  Some how it’s a perfect match!  What I find weird is my Husband HATES wheat bread, yet he loves rye bread.  He says it’s his favorite and our rye bread is made with wheat.  I really did marry a strange guy!!  lol

Beef Stew in Crockpot
Prep time
Total time
A thick and hearty stew made with steak tips, vegetables and seasonings, cooked in a crockpot.
Serves: Approx. 6 Cups
  • 1 lbs. Black Angus premium steak tips (tri-tip), cubed
  • ½ lbs. tiny potatoes
  • ½ cup onion, roughly chopped
  • 2 (100 grams) carrots, diced about ¼" thick
  • 2 (59 grams) celery stick, diced about ¼" thick
  • 1 15 oz can tomatoes, diced
  • 1 cup tomato sauce
  • 1 cup beef broth
  • 1 tsp. worchestershire sauce
  • ½ tsp. thyme
  • ½ tsp. smoked paprika
  • ½ tsp. garlic powder
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • 2 bay leaves
  1. In a crockpot add all of your ingredients, except for the Bay leaves. Mix until combined. Place bay leaves on top.
  2. Cook on high for 4 - 6 hours, until meat is cooked and vegetables are tender or on low for 8 - 10 hours.
Calories per serving: 287.3, Fat: 10.2, Saturated Fat: 4, Cholesterol: 60, Sodium: 292, Potassium: 581, Carbs: 23.4, Fiber: 5, Sugar: 7.7, Protein: 26.9
Nutrition Information
Serving size: Approx 1½ cups

Now go and pull that crockpot out and start making some comfort food!  Nothing beats coming home from work and dinner is done for you!!  Prep the night before and throw it all together int he morning!!  It might be a pain in the fanny to do it in the morning  but you’ll appreciate it when you come home!!

Have a great day!




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