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Skinny Vanilla Mocha Frappe

Hi Everyone,

Since it’s Monday again, I thought I would share with you my newest coffee creation.  I figured we would need the caffeine kick to get us through the day!  Wouldn’t you agree?

This my lovely Friends is so easy, so low-calorie, not to mention a chocolaty, creamy treat that is so guilt-free, that you can have two or three.  I love this drink!  Normally when I go to my favorite coffee shop Starbucks, I always get the skinny vanilla latte or I get it on ice.  I would love to order this frappuccino style but the sugar is way to high for me!!  You’ll see what I’m talking about in a minutes.

I made this drink using instant coffee, but you can always brew up your favorite coffee, the key is to make it strong cup.  Than I froze my coffee for 4 hours or you can do it overnight. Let it thaw a little bit, so your blender can crush the ice.  Than I added a little bit of stevia, vanilla extract and unsweetened cocoa powder.  Blend a way to this tasty drink.

I have to say, nothing like sitting outside on a hot day and sipping on a cool drink.  I simply love this drink!!  As we speak I have coffee in the freezer just waiting for me.  I can’t wait!

Now you know I love to do my comparisons.

Starbucks Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee – Grande:  Calories:  180,  Fat:  0,  Sodium:  200,  Carbs:  40,  Sugar:  39,  Protein:  3

My Skinny Mocha Frappe – over 2 cups:  Calories:  43.3,  Fat:  0,  Sodium:  65,  Carbs:  7, Sugar:  6,  Protein:  4.2

You have to love mine!  I guarantee you’ll love the taste!! 😉

Skinny Vanilla Mocha Frappe
Prep time
Total time
Ice coffee blended drink made with milk, vanilla and cocoa powder.
Serves: 2 heaping cups
  • 1 heaping teaspoon instant coffee
  • 1½ cups water
  • ½ cup skim milk
  • 3 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 packet stevia or 1 tbsp. sugar (to taste)
  1. In a cup mix coffee and water and stir until combined. Place in a shallow container, cover and freeze for 4 hours or overnight.
  2. Once coffee is frozen, place in a blender with the milk, vanilla, stevia and cocoa powder. Blend until combined.
You do not need to use instant coffee, you can brew a strong cup of your favorite coffee and freeze it, just make sure it's 1½ cups.

If coffee is to frozen for your blender to handle let it sit on the counter for a few minutes to thaw out.

Calories: 43.3, Fat: 0, Sodium: 65, Carbs: 7, Sugar: 6, Protein: 4.2

Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1

Well my Peeps, I’m making this short and sweet today!  So I am taking off to enjoy my Sunday!  Going to make my coffee drink and sit by the pool!

Have a wonderful week!




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