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Skinny Pistachio Thins

Hi Everyone,

Wow, tonight I procrastinated my blog, first time ever.  I had writers block.  You know how you have so many things rushing through your mind, that you don’t even know what to think?  That’s me right now.  So I decided to make a decafe latte and just relax.  Breath!   Being a Monday night, I’m still trying to wined down from my day.  It was a fast and busy Monday, but nothing exciting to report.

Some of you have wondered how my week-long peanut butter strike has gone, well it’s Monday and I did it, one week without peanut butter, except for the peanut butter cookies I got.  So all bets are off, you want to know how much weight I loss?  Ready for this, now remember I exercised quite a bit last week, ate healthy so the scale should be good.  Ok, here we go…  I hopped on the scale Monday morning and I lost….. 3, yup 3, no not pounds, but 3 ounces.  What the heck?  So peanut butter is not sabotaging me!  So I’m back on the bottle, or should I say jar of peanut butter.  lol  I prepared myself Sunday night by making peanut butter balls, so I was set for Monday and yes I ate a few balls!!  That didn’t sound right did it?  So peanut butter is healthy, really it is, it’s a good fat that your body needs.  I’m good with that!!  I guess the whole weight thing is in my head.  I’m just going to keep exercising, eat healthy with little splurges here and there, I’m not going to let this whole weight thing bother me any more.  I just need to make smart choices and keep up on exercising.  So with that all said, lets talk about today’s recipe.

This weekend, I made Skinny Pistachio Thins for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day week!!

I adapted this recipe from my Almond Thin Cookies.  These cookies are slightly soft with a fantastic pistachio flavor and a slight crunch from the pistachios.  These are really addicting.  Not to mention not only are they thin in size, there thin for your belly.  They come in at 43 calories a cookie.  Yup you read that right!  Also, there a normal size cookie, not a miniature.

These cookies are made with egg whites, pistachios, sugar, margarine and a little bit of whole wheat flour.  There fast and simple to make and seem to be a crowd pleaser.  I took them to work and got rave reviews on them.  But because there green, they called them the booger cookies.  I work with a weird bunch!  Booger cookie or not, that didn’t stop them from eating them!

Pistachio Thins


2 egg whites

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup white whole wheat flour

1/2 cup very finely chopped pistachios

3 tablespoons butter, melted (I used Brumble & Brown)

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

4 drops of green food coloring (use to get desired shade)


In a medium bowl let egg whites stand at room temperature for 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line large cookie sheets with foil or parchment paper. If using foil, lightly grease the foil; set aside.

In a small bowl combine pistachios, butter, and vanilla; set aside.

Beat egg whites with an electric mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form (tips curl). Gradually add sugar, beating on high speed until stiff peaks form (tips stand straight). Add food coloring and mix until combined and desired color.

Fold in about half of the flour. Gently stir in pistachio mixture.

Fold in the remaining flour until thoroughly combined.

For each cookie, drop 1 level tablespoon of the batter onto prepared cookie sheet, leaving 2 inches between mounds. Using the back of a spoon, spread each mound into a 2-inch circle. If necessary, coat the back of the spoon with nonstick cooking spray to prevent sticking.

Bake for 6 to 8 minutes or until cookies are just golden brown around edges and centers are set.

Cool cookies completely on cookie sheets; lift cookies off parchment paper or foil and place on wire racks.

Makes 26 cookies

Calorie per cookie:  43,  Fat:  1.7 (mostly healthy fat), Cholesterol:  0,  Sodium:  14,  Potassium:  29,  Carbs:  6,  Fiber:  .06,  Sugar:  4,  Protein:  1.2

Well my friends, I guess my writer’s block is gone and now I must call it a night, I have a jar of peanut butter that has been haunting calling me all week!!!  🙂

Just a friendly reminder, as you know I was nominated for Healthiest Eating Food Blog on Fitness Magazine and would love it if you voted for me.  So far I only have 37 votes,  if you like my blog, please vote for Peanut Butter and Peppers.  To vote for me, just go here. Thank you, much appreciated!!

Have a great Tuesday!!!



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